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Real People.
Real Results.

Hear from my clients who successfully changed careers and are now living their best-aligned lives.


Senior Administrative Assistant,

Dominique Secured a $40K Salary Increase in 4 Weeks + Improved Work-Life Harmmony

I knew I needed help, but my expectations were exceeded working with Nadéjiah! I thought that my experience was too unique. The high-level and nitty-gritty details were exactly what I needed to achieve the alignment I sought. It gave me the confidence to pursue the path necessary to achieve what I wanted out of my life and, in turn, my career. Being coached by Nadéjiah was like catching up with an old friend who never lets you settle for less.


Career Counselor, Kathy Secured a $59K Salary Increase & Landed Her First Management Role 

I was terrified of making a career transition. Nadéjiah was everything I didn't know I needed. She is dynamic. She understands the mind of a millennial WOC and will make sure you leave that "piece of paycheck" behind and secure your BAG. She will not hide the truth from you and will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone to find your light! She helped me remember who I was. At the end of each of our calls, I felt empowered to make my career transition and motivated to find jobs that directly aligned with me (both personally and professionally).

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TAMEKA Secured A $40K Salary Increase + Pivoted In 4 Weeks by Leveraging Self-Taught Marketing Skills

"I had already been running my own digital marketing agency successfully for about three years but had concerns as to whether my experience would translate, effectively, to a corporate job search. I was also concerned because my degrees were not marketing-related, and I was unsure how I would stack up against other, formally educated, candidates.  My job search in my new industry lasted exactly 4-weeks. I received my FIRST INTERVIEW within 2-weeks of starting my search. I accepted an ALIGNED POSITION, where the company EXCEEDED all my non-negotiable conditions for employment. And I secured a $40K INCREASE IN SALARY! Nadéjiah is absolutely amazing at what she does.

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ERYKA Secured A $20 Salary Increase + Pivoted After Continuously Being Passed Over for a Promotion

"My biggest takeaway is that I had already done the work. I just needed to explain my experience in an attention-grabbing way. 

I recommend this to anyone who is ready for a life change. This course was more than just career help. It helps shift your mindset all around. It took me less than two months to find the perfect position. I’m now a leader (Manager) in my career. I enjoy going to work. I have full autonomy. My boss trusts me and leaves me alone. My salary increased by $20k. What more could I ask for? If you’re not ready for your dreams to come true, don’t take this course. If you are ready for EVERYTHING to change, Nadéjiah has made this for you. 


Data Specialist, Corrine Secured A $30K Salary Increase & Broke Into Tech Without A Degree or Traditional Experience

Nadéjiah is the Queen of Mirrors. This program is more than career alignment; it's a total life shift for anyone ready to take their alignment in career, life, and self-love to the next level. I feel more confident in my ability to pivot and leverage my skills throughout my career. I can easily envision my future because I have a road map to how to get there. I have never felt so rooted in myself and empowered to navigate the world and the career sphere as authentically as I can. I felt supported and actively seen the entire time.


Career Transition Manager, Brittany Secured a $20K Salary Increase & Advanced Her Career Leveraging Existing Skills 

Nadéjiah is able to effectively COACH you through what you need to do to better align yourself. She's good at helping you really drill into the details. Now, I'm in a place where I'll apply and anticipate opportunities that are already on my radar. I already know the next best roles for me, and I'm looking specifically for aligned roles in a much more narrow and strategic way with less anxiety because there will be no settling. You have to trust that the elevated role you'll end up in will make this investment pay for itself.

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TESSA Secured A $38K Salary Increase + Successfully Negotiated A Flexible, Hybrid Remote-Work Schedule

"I used to be frustrated about writing my resume. After working with Nadéjiah, all of my concerns are now alleviated. Her coaching questions were concise and allowed me to just think instead of doing the work and connecting the dots. I finally started applying for roles, got in front of 5 companies for interviews, got two offers, and just got accepted! They came within my range and I countered a $3K increase and work-from-home days and increased my salary by $38K."

Shauna Hollinger

SHAUNA Secured A $10K Salary Increase + Landed A Corporate Role In An Industry Aligned With Her Business

"I wanted to work full-time with creators once I realized it was my true passion, but I didn't think I could get paid more than what I made working for the government. I taught myself everything I knew about the influencer industry and built my own business around it, and now I get to work for another company full-time, doing what I love based on those skills. They offered me exactly what I wanted with the potential for a $30k bonus every year. I received compliments on my resume being data-driven and that was something Nadéjiah taught me how to do."

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Information Systems Coordinator, Takara Secured a $36K Salary Increase & Recognized Her True Leadership Potential 

Thank you isn't enough. I rarely feel like I learn new things from others, but I have learned so much from you! I gained clarity on why my previous roles didn't work, why my previous searches were not fruitful, and how my limiting beliefs shaped the decisions I made about my career. I was able to reconcile my negative feelings about job hopping and my lack of advancement in my career. I gained knowledge of best practices for job searching. I gained clarity about how I can continue to serve others in a way that is not self-sacrificing. Now, I have the tools and resources to live my best life. I am excited about my future for the first time in a long time.


Analyst, Rachel, Secured a $29K Salary Increase in 6 Weeks & Now Works for a Dream Company

I had such a great experience working with Nadéjiah! She really helped lift me up during a really dark time in my life. She made me realize that I do have value and something to offer. This shift in mindset helped me to be more selective when applying for roles and gave me the strength to leave a really toxic and abusive work situation. My wins include a mindset shift, better work-life balance, and a better schedule that allows me more time to take care of myself. I realized that my job needed me more than I needed them, and I didn't need to continue to put up with their toxicity. As a result, I am now in an organization that values me, pays me more, and where I am not nearly as stressed and miserable as I was in my last role.


EMILY Secured A $33K Salary Increase + Pivoted Into An Aligned Role Without Direct Experience 

"The entire process, from onboarding to the resume review and follow-ups was seamless. Nadéjiah knew how to articulate how my transferable skills translated outside of my role. She invested valuable time and energy in me so that I would feel prepared to vocalize my value in my job search. I made a switch into a new field and functional area with a five-figure salary increase within 4 months. I get to work from home AND increased my income by $33,000."

Timothy Goldbsy

TIMOTHY Secured A $40K Salary Increase In 3 Weeks + Loves The Workplace Culture At His New Company

"Prior to working with Nadéjiah, I lacked the confidence to express my professional skills on my resume adequately. I could describe my daily tasks and projects, but could not put them down on paper in a way that would make sense to a potential employer outside of my company. The mindset shift resulting from Nadejiah's intensive session is PRICELESS. She helped to rebuild my confidence in my value in the open job market. Her holistic approach sets her apart in the career development field."

Asionna Warner

Program Coordinator, Asionna Secured a $20K Salary Increase in 4 Weeks + Was Able to Quit Her Second Job

Before Career Alignment Accelerator, Asionna worked 14-hour work days between two jobs and felt trapped in a vicious burnout cycle. She learned Career Alignment Accelerator strategies, took immediate action, and quickly achieved her career alignment goals.

Asionna said:

The fact that I obtained a promotion while in the program is directly reflective of the strategies we learned because those were the skills I needed to secure a promotion. I had a lot more confidence selling myself during that interview.

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Senior Support Specialist, Yomahira Secured a $10K Salary Increase + a Management Role in an Industry She Loves

Before the program, I had the hardest time knowing my value. Nadéjiah's program is what I needed in my life to guide me toward clarity and to get out of my funk. I also learned that many of my skills are easily transferrable to new and exciting career paths. Each week is strategically positioned to help you toward your career alignment goal. She gives you the tools and guidance to become self-aware, discover your value, and take self-initiative to be the better YOU. The investment in this program for your growth and clarity is 100% worth it.

Bonnie McGahee

BONNIE Secured An $18K Salary Increase + Pivoted Into A New Industry Without Needing Traditional Experience

"I used to be frustrated about writing my resume. I couldn't identify how to translate my experience working in higher education for 10 years into more industry/corporate-based language. After working with Nadéjiah, all of my concerns are now alleviated. I was able to take my resume from mediocre to marketable and feel fully confident in my abilities. I was offered a position at a medical research non-profit with student loan forgiveness, a 25% salary increase, and best of all... NO MORE ON-CALL LIFE. I have my life back!"

Ciarra Joyner

CIARRA Doubled Her Interviews + Secured A New Aligned Role With A $20K Salary Increase 

"My resume is a world of a difference. I felt seen and validated throughout the process. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone regarding what is common practice in my industry, resulting in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow resume that perfectly highlights my talents. Before working with Nadéjiah, I only landed 1-2 interviews. But after working with her, I landed 4-5 interviews and had OPTIONS! My salary increased by $20,000. Secure the bag!"

Chamika Ellis

Community Director, Chamika Secured a $10K Salary Increase + Pivoted into a Role Fully Aligned With Her Purpose & Passion

I realized I could no longer DIY my search when I had no idea where to start and needed some help. Working with Nadejiah was everything I'd hoped it would be and more. I value her ability to ask the hard questions in a gentle manner. Participating in the Career Alignment Accelerator allowed me to take inventory of what my values were and really think critically about my non-negotiables that will serve me well professionally AND personally. I left every week feeling more empowered to go into my job search with clarity and confidence that I'm dope and deserve what I ask for.


Collections Specialist, BriAnna Secured a $10K Salary Increase + Traded Her Toxic Work Environment for Happiness

Nadéjiah is amazing! I appreciate her going out of her way to help me on my career journey. The "homework," or probably better referred to as "soul work," will help you in many areas of your life, not just your career. The new job makes life less complicated. Pay raises are consistent. All in all, this was everything I was looking for. My income went up, and my stress level went down 

. I'm blessed, and I'm HAPPY again. Nine times out of ten, you'll end up with a new friend for life because Nadéjiah is such a blessing. 

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